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Please note, authors can include in-text links to non-peer-reviewed, web-based content. These can be specified by placing the hyperlink in parentheses. For example, 'ClinVar' will be published as ClinVar. Peer-reviewed references should be in APA format.
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If an author has a conflict of interest as defined by NSGC, this affiliation must be in their author bio. (For example: Author is an employee and equity holder of company. Author has received speaking honoraria from company. Author is on the advisory board of company.)
If you are submitting this piece on behalf of an organization, the organization’s title can be submitted under ‘Author Name’ and a description of the organization can be submitted under ‘professional bio’.
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Header Photo
Perspectives articles are accompanied by a header photo. Authors can provide suggestions regarding the type of photo they would like to be included here. Header photo images must be royalty-free and copyright free. Common sources for Pixabay and Unsplash. The publishing team will take preferences into consideration but a final decision on image choice will be made by the publishing team.
Additional Comments
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